
Christophe (Chris) Hamel
Founder & Principal

Combining a Deep Understanding of Business & Government with Superior Technical Expertise

Studio Aerospace has a breadth and depth of expertise rooted in the international aerospace & defense industries. Areas in which the firm can assist clients include:

  • Government Relations
  • Strategic Planning
  • Technology/Product Development & Testing
  • Technology Management
  • Business Development (Technical Sales & Product Marketing)
  • Engineering Resourcing

Our proven ability to work effectively with officials at the highest levels of civil aviation organizations to develop and implement policies and programs, as well as create partnerships among corporations and government agencies worldwide enables us to be a valuable partner of yours.

By having expertise across a wide range of disciplines, we take pride in sharing our perspectives through articles in a number of publications.

With knowledge and first-hand experience working on commercial projects and advocacy programs related to a many types of aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), urban air mobility (UAM), inter-modal mobility and other types of aerospace connectivity and communication solutions, we are uniquely qualified to help you meet your objectives.

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